Aleo Vera:
Aleo vera originates from Arabian Peninsula but grows wild in tropical,
semi-tropical, and arid climates around the world.
plants that are thickened, fleshy and engorged, allowing the plant to retain
water in arid areas.
The name Aleo vera derives from the Arabic word āAlloehā meaning āshining
bitter substanceā while āvetaā in Latin means ātrue.ā
It is also known as a “wonder Plant” because of its numerous medicinal properties.
Parts used:
The entire plant has medicinal properties but the leaves are mostly used
for its clear gel, also the base of the leave which is used as a bittering
agent in foods.
Aloe vera gel contains powerful anti-oxidants along with vitamin C and E,
minerals like magnesium, potassium and zinc and also amino acids.
Ayurvedic Energies:
Doshas : Balances all three
Rasa (Taste): Bitter ( Tikta)
Guna( Qualities ) : Guru (heavy),Snigdha
( Unctuous ),Pichilla (Sticky)
Virya (Action): Sheeta (Cold)
Vipaka: (Post digestive effect):
Katu (Pungent)

Being a rich source of vitamins and minerals it is excellent
for skin.
Application of gel prevents premature aging.
Promotes healthy skin.
Can be used as a sunscreen.
Useful in reliving irritation on skin and in sunburn due to
its cooling effect.
Due to its anti-inflammatory properties it is useful in
treating and preventing acne.
Amla is also known as Indian gooseberry is an excellent source of ascorbic acid and is full of fibers.It is filled with anti-oxidants and has anti-inflammatory properties.
Amla is found in subtropical regions of India.
Medicinal uses:
Ā· Boost immunity
Ā· Promotes healthy hair growth
Ā· Blood purifier
Ā· Promotes healthy skin
Ā· Weight management

Origin: Ashwagandha occurs in all parts of India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka Middle
East and in some parts of Africa.
Ashwagandha is considered as potent Adoptogen in Ayurveda. It is also known as Rasayana.
Rasayana is a Sanskrit
word which means Rasa meaning āessence,ā and ayana meaning āpath.
increases the immunity and boosts strength.
The name Aswagandha is composed of two Sanskrit words Ashwa which means horse and Gangha means smell. The roots of Ashwagadha has smell like horse.
The Latin name
of Ashwagadha is Withenia Somnifera, which means āsleep Inducing”.

Parts used:
Roots are mostly
Fruits and leaves also processes medicinal
of Ashwagandha contain volatile oils, amino acids, alkaloids and starch.
Ashwagandha leaves and fruits are loaded with flavonoids and tannins.
flavonoids act as antioxidants and neutralize the free radicals. They help to
fight against oxidative stress and reduce the level of inflammation.
Ayurvedic Energetics:
- Rasa (taste): Bitter(Tikta)
Pungent(Kahaya), Astringent(Kashaya) - Virya (action): heating(Ushna)
- Vipaka (post-digestive
effect): Sweet(Madhur) - Doshas (constitutions):
Balancing for vata and kapha dosha, may aggravate pitta in excess - Guna(Qualities):
Sigdha(Oiliness)Laghu(Lightness )
Ā· Aphrodisiac
Ā· Rejuvenating
Ā· Promotes sleep
Ā· Improves cognitive functions
Ā· Increases fertility in men
Ā· Promotes muscle mass
Ā· Anti-depressant
Ā· Anti-inflammatory
Ā· Anti-oxidant

spread to India and Africa. India is the largest producer of Ginger in the world.
The name Ginger is derived from Sanskrit word ā Srngaveramā which means horn body which describes the root.
Ginger plant
grows in warm temperature also requires adequate water and high organic matter.
Parts used:
The roots of
ginger have high medicinal value but the other parts like leaves are also used
for garnishing purpose.
Gingerol is the active component of Ginger.
Ginger is
considered to have anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties.
Rasa (taste): pungent, sweet
Virya (action): heating
Vipaka (post-digestive effect): sweet
Doshas (constitutions): Balancing for vata and kapha, may aggravate pitta.

Boost immunity.
Chewing ginger helps reliving nausea.
Due to
its anti-inflammatory properties it helps in reducing joint pain due to arthritis.
Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri):
Brahmi /Bacopa monnieri was described around
the 6th century A.D. in ancient Sanskrit scripts.These script categorize Bacopa
monnieri as a Medhya Rasayana which is known to improve memory and intelligence.It is also known as herb of grace.
Brahmi is a creeping ,small and non aromatic herb native to the wetlands of southern and Eastern India, Australia, Europe, Africa, Asia, and North and South America.

Ā· Rasayana(
Promotes the nutritional status of the body)
Ā· Brain tonic
Ā· Anti-oxidant
Ā· Anti-inflammatory
Ā· Anlagesic
Parts used:
The whole plant can be used for medical purposes.
Brahmi can also thrive underwater therefore can also used in aquariums.
The main active compound in Brahmi is bacosides which has powerful antioxidant property.
Ayurvedic Energies:
Rasa ( Taste) :Bitter and Sweet
Vipaka(Post-digestive effect: Sweet
Doshas: Balances all the doshas

Bhringraj also known as false daisy is a specie of plant which belongs to sunflower family. It is a creeping herb with white flowers and short stem.The leaves are lance shaped and grow opposite to each other.
This herb mostly grows in moist and warm places. This herb is commonly found in Nepal, China, Brazil and Thailand .
Parts Used :
The whole plant is used in Ayurvedic medicines .
Active compounds:
It processes bioactive constituents including flavonoids and phytochemicals such as
wedelolactone,ecliptic and polypeptides.
Ayurvedic Energies :
(Taste): Bitter,Pungent and Sweet
(Action): Heating
digestive effect): Pungent
Balances Vata and Kapha

Benefits :
Hair tonic
Improves blood circulation of scalp
Prevents hair loss
Revitalizes scalp
Tropical application of leaves on skin helps with skin infections
Boosts immunity