
Natural Anti-oxidants


Garlic also known as Allium sativum is a power pack of anti-oxidants. The main component of Garlic is Allicin which has lots of health benefits.

Consuming raw Garlic has most results. It can be used as a natural antibiotic.

According to Ayurveda Garlic is a blood purifier.

It contains powerful anti-oxidants and Vitamins such as A, C and E which makes it excellent for skin which makes it natural Anti-aging herb. 


Cinnamon is powerhouse of Anti-oxidants. It contain polyphenols which helps the body from oxidative stress.

Helps in increasing the metabolism and improves digestion.

Being a powerful anti-oxidant it helps in reducing inflammation. 

Black Olive

Black olive
contains Oleuropein which is a natural anti-oxidant which helps in fighting inflammation. 
Being rich in anti-oxidant it boosts the immunity.