
Yoga was originated in India about 5000 years back. The word Yoga is derived from Sanskrit word which means to ‘unite’ or ‘to join’.

Yoga works on mind as well as body. It involves stretching, maintaining posture and concentrating on the breathing.

There are various types of Yoga that has been in practice. Here are the following:

Hatha Yoga Padipika which was written by Svatmarama  in 15th century.

The Hatha yoga mentions 84 asanas out of which 4 are important and in practice.

1.       Siddhasana –Also known as Perfect pose. This asana is
for the beginners in yoga. This pose helps to strengthen the back muscles.
Meditation is done in this pose as it is comfortable to maintain for a very
long period.   

2      Padmasana- 

       Padmasana is also known as Lotus Pose is an advanced pose and little difficult to maintain during meditation but practicing it will make it easier. It’s a crosses leg position, it helps in stretching the ankles and knee.  It helps to maintain and develop good posture and strengthens the spine.

1.       Sinmbhasana- Simbhasana is also known as Lion’s pose.The word Simbhasana is derived from Sanskrit word Simbha meaning “Lion” and “Aasana” meaning Pose.

This is the easiest aasanas of all and anyone could easily perform it.


·        This Aasan is the best facial exercise. It helps in toning the facial muscles and prevents wrinkles. Increasing blood flow to the face and thereby giving it a natural glow.

·        Helps in Digestion

·        Improves voice quality.

Bhadrasan is derived from Sanskrit word meaning Auspicious.

Also known as Throne, Butterfly pose and Cobbler’s pose.

This asana is the easiest of all and can be performed by any age group.


This Asana increases the flexibility of the knee and hip joints.

Strengthens the spine.

Comfortable posture for meditation.

Improves the functioning of internal organs. 

Priyanka Asegaonkar

Published by
Priyanka Asegaonkar

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