Fasting in Ayurveda
is of prime importance. Since ages fasting has been included in daily life
It helps to detoxify
the body and helps in regenerating digestive fire. It helps in boosting the metabolism.
According to Ayurveda
fasting for 12 hours is recommended for everyone for healthy digestive system.
During the time of
fasting only water should be consumed.
Intermittent fasting
is another fasting method which has been in tread for quite some time. This
type of fasting goes beyond 12 hrs of fasting.
It has 16: 8 method
in which one can fast for 16 hours and eat in the window of 8 hours. This is
the easiest method for the beginners. One can just skip the breakfast and eat
lunch and dinner. Only water and herbal tea/ green tea is recommended during
the fasting period.
Another method is
18:6 method in which there is 18 hours fasting and 6 hours eating window.
20:4 is another
method which is little restrictive with a short window for eating.
The most restrictive
is 23:1 method, in this you fast for 23 hours and eat only in 1 hour window.
Some people do go
beyond this time frame and also fast for 48 hours.
Before starting any
kind of fast it is recommended to consult your health care practitioner.